Fish Health and Welfare

Research Priorities Survey


Call for Participation

Help shape scientific research to the needs of industry

The Centre for Aquaculture Progress is conducting a study to inform fish health and welfare scientists to prioritize topics that are important to the aquaculture industry, and we invite the participation of any fish producers or retailers, in particular those dealing with Atlantic salmon, gilthead sea bream, European sea bass, or rainbow trout. 

Your insights will help identify practical approaches to improve fish health and welfare, ultimately increasing product quality and yield. 

The results will be consolidated anonymously, and shared with the research community and participating producers and retailers.

Research Objectives

  • Identify industry priorities among selected fish health and welfare research topics

  • Evaluate implementation constraints within existing production systems

  • Compare research gaps across different species


  • Standardized, structured interviews with fish producers and retailers, conducted via phone

  • Statistical analysis of priorities across production variables

  • Species covered: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Why participate?

  • Influence research priorities

  • Inform scientists with your insights

  • Access research results

Who should respond?

  • Aquaculture producers

  • Retailers

  • Independent experts on fish health and welfare

What would we like to learn?

  • Research gaps from an industry perspective

  • Your views on current research topics

The survey will be conducted via phone and will take approximately 5 minutes. Participants are offered free access to the results.

Please fill out the form below to participate or learn more. We will only use this information to reach out to you for this survey. 


For Researchers

Results of this survey will be presented free of charge to researchers at public institutions.

All our research partners will receive the results in August 2025. If you aren't on our list yet, please reach out at to be notified upon publication. Please use your institutional email address from a recognized public research institution.


  • March – May 2025: Industry survey

  • June – July 2025: Evaluation of results

  • August 2025: Presentation of findings

Your feedback

We welcome your feedback to this survey, and how you plan to incorporate the findings into your work. 

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